Visitor FAQ’s

Indian Run United Methodist Church welcomes all visitors and those looking for a church home! It is our hope that in the information on this page will answer any questions you may have and will help you feel more comfortable on your first visit. We invite you to look over the rest of the site to learn more about the life of Indian Run. If you have additional questions, would like to take a tour of the church, or would like to schedule a conversation with a pastor, please contact the church office.
Indian Run offers two Sunday services to give you a choice of worship experiences.
The Traditional Worship Service starts at 9:00am and the Contemporary Worship Services starts at 10:30am.
Each worship service lasts approximately 60 minutes.
All are invited to join together for a time of fellowship between services (10am-10:30am) where we serve coffee, juice, and tasty treats!
Traditional Worship Service includes traditional hymns, organ music, choir, multiple scripture readings.
Contemporary Worship Service includes praise and worship favorites led by the praise team with keyboard, guitars and drums, with a more relaxed feel. The sermon series is the same at both services.
We are committed to providing a safe, fun, and nurturing environment to help the children of our community to grow in God’s love. On Sunday mornings, we are pleased to offer the following:
  • 6 Weeks – 3 years old: Professional Nursery Care during both services
  • 3 years – 5th Grade: Children’s Sunday School during both services
  • 6th – 8th Grades: Sunday School during the Traditional Service at 9 am
  • 9th – 12th Grades: High School students are encouraged to participate in worship.
Please note: Children are always welcome to sit with you in the Sanctuary during both services.
Indian Run follows Safe Sanctuary policies to ensure the safety of all children. All children going to the nursery or Sunday school must check in at the Welcome Center to receive a name tag.
For additional information of offerings, please visit the Children’s Ministries and Youth Ministries areas of the website.
Don’t worry about what to wear! Some folks dress up, others don’t. The most important thing is to feel comfortable.
Our welcome team will be ready to greet you 15 minutes before service begins.
At Indian Run, it is our goal that each guest be welcomed with “radical hospitality”! We want you to feel at home the minute you enter the front door.
Upon entering the church, you will be welcomed by one of our greeters. Restrooms are located near the front doors off the first hallway on the right. (An accessible restroom is located in the Education Wing across from the Sanctuary)
Also to the right, as you enter the church is the Fellowship Hall.
To the left, after you enter the church, you will see our Welcome Center. We encourage you to stop and introduce yourself. A member of the Welcoming Team would love to show you around and answer any questions you may have.
The Children’s Programming Check-In is located further down the Narthex. All children, ages 6 weeks – 5th grade participating in Sunday Morning Programming must complete a registration through our KidCheck computer. This helps
our staff and volunteers keep your child safe by giving each child a name tag. Parents receive a Safe Sanctuary Card that will be needed to pick up your child at the end of the service. Should your child require your assistance during the service, someone will come and get you from service. We also offer a quiet space with the service streaming where you are welcome to rock or feed your baby without missing the message.
You are welcome to bring coffee or a drink into the Sanctuary, we just ask that you use a lid on your cup.
At the entrance to the Sanctuary, an usher will help you to your seat, if you should need assistance. 
Before the service begins, make yourself comfortable. The screen at the front of the church will display upcoming events and activities of the church. 
Holy Communion is a part of the service on the first Sunday of each month. Indian Run observes an open table and all are invited to partake, no matter what faith tradition you come from. If you choose not to partake, simply remain in your seat when released by the usher. All elements are gluten free. Typically, we receive Communion by receiving each individual element from a server. Please get the attention of an usher if you have questions or need assistance.
At the end of each service, the congregation will sing the Irish Blessing. 
As you exit, the ushers will be available if you need assistance locating the pick up areas for your children. Don’t forget, you will need to present your Safe Sanctuary Card to the volunteer.
After picking up your child, you can greet the Pastor by the front entrance on your way out. We also encourage you to stop by the Welcome Center with any additional questions you might have after attending the service. If you have attended the first service, please stay and be our guest at our fellowship time with coffee and treats. If you are attending the second service, be sure to come early next time! 
We hope to see you this Sunday!