Authenticity – “Be Real”
(Eph 4:25; Rom. 12:9)
At IRUMC, we strive to be real and genuine in our relationships with each other and with Jesus Christ. In a world where we are inclined to showcase our lives as perfect and having our act together, we seek to come together as a vulnerable community expressing not only our joys but also our doubts, concerns, and questions. Our focus in worship is on authentic connection with the God who created us and sustains us, and we engage in this worship as imperfect people, bringing our full selves in true authenticity.
Safe for All – “Everyone’s Valued”
(Gal. 3:28; 1 Cor. 12:12-14)
At IRUMC, we consider everyone as having a place at the table regardless of age, gender, economic status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, immigration status, or any other category that might divide us. We welcome, respect, and affirm LGBTQIA+ people and welcome all people to fully participate in every aspect of life in the church. We also want to provide safe spaces in our church and surrounding community to those who are vulnerable including children, youth, and adults. Knowing that all people are loved by God, we seek to love, welcome, honor, and work for the dignity of all people.
Adventurous Faith – “Questions Allowed”
(James 1:5; Matt. 7:7)
At IRUMC, we ask honest questions of our faith instead of simply delivering answers. We are people who engage scripture honestly, humbly, and with prayerful discernment to know God more fully. Our life of growing faith will take us outside of our comfort zones and may involve taking risks as we faithfully follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. We support one another on this adventurous faith journey through ongoing learning, small groups, and teaching that leads to thoughtful discussion.
Watch this video to learn more about our core value “Adventurous Faith”:
Beliefs in Action – “Faith is a Verb”
(James 1:22 & 2:17; John 13:17)
At IRUMC, we believe our faith should impact all that we do and how we live our lives in relation to others and to the world. We not only talk about our faith, we live out our faith as we serve as the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. We desire to be an example of who God is through our faith and understand that our love of God and others impacts how people view Christianity as a whole. Our personal and communal faith drives us to fulfil the mission of God in our community and the world.
Watch this video to learn more about our core value “Beliefs in Action”:
Relational Community – “Love Your Neighbor”
(Hebrews 10:24-25a; Romans 12:5)
At IRUMC, we join together as a community of faith to love one another and our neighbors in meaningful ways. We connect people to each other through worship, small groups, sharing of resources, and strengthening families. We value a depth of community and relationship that allows us to be flexible and adapt to the growing needs in our congregation and in the community around us. We desire that everyone experience the love of God through the love of others and truly find a place to belong.
Watch this video to learn more about our core value “Relational Community”: